Legal Aid attorney and Truist staffer talk to people at event. Truist and Legal Aid logos on bottom.
Truist and Legal Aid of WV Partnership
Image of quote text that reads: “I highly recommend Legal Aid, and Carolyn is a wonderful attorney. She is kind, caring, and she goes above and beyond. Everybody in the Martinsburg office does.”
P. Brian’s Story
Gemillie Giron Soto, 2024 Archibald Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Fellow
Meet Gemillie Giron Soto – 2024 Archibald Diversity Fellow
Chloe King, 2024 John Kennedy Bailey Keep Me Home Fellow
Meet Chloe King – 2024 John Kennedy Bailey Fellow
Quote that reads: “It got to the point where something was going to break. I couldn’t stand not being me anymore. When I said enough was enough, it was here I am!”
Erika’s Story
two women sit while the woman on the right reassures and puts her hand on the other woman's shoulder
Employing Individuals with Mental Health Impairments
WVU College of law students are presented with the 2023 Distinguished Pro Bono Award
WVU College of Law Students Win 2023 Distinguished Pro Bono Award
Steptoe and Johnson receives the Pro Bono Law Firm Award
Steptoe & Johnson Wins 2023 Pro Bono Law Firm Award
The 2023 Kaufman Award is presented to Richard Gottlieb at the WV State Bar Annual Dinner
Richard Gottlieb Wins 2023 Kaufman Award
law students and legal aid staff pose at the Kanawha County Public Library after a clinic on March 13.
Pro Bono Spring Break 2024
Legal Aid Board member Bridget Furbee with her family, including husband Steve, sons Tyler and Tanner, and future daughter-in-law, Kenzie.
Board Highlight: Bridget Furbee
Image with text that reads Important closing information for December and January.
Hours and Closures over the Holidays
Quote on serene tree scene background that reads: With a strong community of women (and many men, too) what can feel impossible is made possible through caring individuals. I believe the work LAWV continues to do has the capacity to change communities, one person at a time.
Joanna’s Story
a selection of produce lays on a table. carrots, tomatoes, peppers, and more.
Changes to SNAP (Food Stamps)
Legal Aid of West Virginia and Ombudsman logo with text that reads Long-Term Care Ombudsmen and Elder Advocacy
Long-Term Care Ombudsman: A Program Snapshot
Legal Aid attorney Barbie Finley (far left) with clients Amanda and John and their twin sons on adoption day.
Amanda and John – An Adoption Story
A quote graphic that says "You look at your child and think time is ticking away, and he's not making any progress in school. Rhonda stepped in and really helped us. Between her and the good Lord, we're starting to get some real help for our son. From Matt, a FAST program client.
Asher’s Story – FAST Program
Phil Capers, law student and 2023 Legal Aid Archibald Diversity Fellow
Meet Phil Capers – 2023 Archibald Diversity Fellow
Banner reads Wood County Family Resource Fair and has legal aid of west virginia and big sandy superstore logos
Wood County Family Resource Fair
a school scene with a stack of books and an apple on top, alphabet blocks, and pencils on a desk.
What are WV Public Charter Schools Required to do?
older woman sits on a couch smiling between two younger boys with her arms around them.
Linda’s Kinship Care Story
Legal Aid of West Virginia's Clarksburg office staff stand together and smile in front of First United Methodist Church in Clarksburg
Friends Feeding Friends – Clarksburg, WV
Christian Turak (on left) accepts the Pro Bono Law Firm Award from Molly Russell (center) and Benjamin Mishoe (right)
Gold, Khourey & Turak Named 2023 Pro Bono Law Firm
William P. Saviers, Jr. (right) accepts the Distinguished Pro Bono Award from Molly Russell (center) and Maria Borror (left), of Legal Aid of West Virginia.
William P. Saviers, Jr. Named Recipient of 2023 Distinguished Pro Bono Award
Benjamin Mishoe of WV State Bar, stands with Kaufman Award winner Thomas E. McIntire
Thomas E. McIntire Receives 2023 Kaufman Award
Text reading: Introducing Legal Aid of West Virginia's kinship connector. Get free legal information and help with paperwork for adoption, guardianship, & temporary care agreements. Logo and animated kinship family appear below.
Our Kinship Connector Tool
woman with megaphone next to text that reads: attention! important changes for West Virginians receiving medicaid or food stamps (SNAP)
COVID Changes are Ending for Many with Food Stamps or Medicaid!
Clients Bobby and Lisa stand together outside the Legal Aid office where they got help
Celebrating 20 Years – Bobby and Lisa
Pipe and faucet pouring out money in coin form
New Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP)
woman prepares man for injection of vaccine, both wear masks
COVID-19 Vaccines Providing Protection at No Cost
LAWV Client Rebecca sits at table talking with Legal Aid staffer at Cabin Creek Health Center
Celebrating 20 Years – Christina’s Story
two younger adults sit and talk with an older adult at a table
Preparing for Visits with Loved Ones in Long-Term Care
Jeremy Mitchell, Legal Aid attorney and WV Army National Guardsman
Military Appreciation Month at Legal Aid
Jared Tully of Frost Brown Todd accepts Distinguished Pro Bono Firm Award from Legal Aid Executive Director Adrienne Worthy
Frost Brown Todd Wins Pro Bono Law Firm Award
Spilman Thomas & Battle accept 2022 Distinguished Pro Bono Award from Legal Aid Executive Director Adrienne Worthy
Spilman Thomas & Battle Wins Distinguished Pro Bono Award
Advocates Jeri Bradley and Adrienna Moore Keaton smile at camera
Celebrating 20 Years – An Advocate and Client Story
middle aged white woman hugs two children of different races at a prark
Family Rights for Children in DHHR Custody
Putting a Stop to domestic violence in putnam county with Branches logo, putnam county sheriff logo, legal aid logo
Highlighting Putnam County Domestic Violence Community Partnerships
Snapshot of Google map marking dental offices in WV that accept expanded medicaid
Dentists in WV that Accept Expanded Medicaid
Pro Bono Celebration Week 2021 graphic with "Why is Pro Bono Important to You?" written
Celebrating Pro Bono Week
decorated wall at WVU center for excellence in disabilities
WVU Center for Excellence in Disabilities
Children's toys sit below text that reads "let's make more families aware of their eligibility for monthly Child Tax Credit payments."
Child Tax Credit Payments- New Online Tools
Monongalia County Bar representatives accept award
Monongalia County Bar Awarded Distinguished Pro Bono Service Award
Jeff Culpepper accepts pro bono award plaque from Kate White
Sal Sellaro Culpepper Awarded Distinguished Pro Bono Law Firm
young girl looks worried, clutches collar of sweater
Stability and Protections for Homeless Children
Dane Henry and Amanda Gavin pose at graduation