Our Charleston office is preparing to move in 2025. Help support Justice on the Move!


We believe all West Virginians deserve an equal chance at justice, in the courtroom and in their communities

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Quote that reads: “It got to the point where something was going to break. I couldn’t stand not being me anymore. When I said enough was enough, it was here I am!”

Erika’s Story

Learn about our programs.

With three program areas, our attorneys and advocates provide meaningful solutions to diverse populations.

Lesbian couple with baby

Legal Services are at the core of our mission to protect West Virginia’s most vulnerable. By providing legal information and representation, our knowledgeable attorneys help children, families, and individuals escape abuse, overcome barriers to employment and housing, and receive the education and health care they need.

Our Behavioral Health Advocacy program assists West Virginians living with mental and behavioral health disorders by promoting community supports and preserving access to services. Our advocates strive to help individuals and families meet their challenges with dignity and hope.

Black father hugging young son
older woman being hugged by young woman

Our Long-Term Care (LTC) Ombudsmen work in West Virginia’s long-term and elder care facilities to ensure residents’ rights are protected and upheld. They hear grievances from residents and work with facilities, caregivers, and relatives to resolve issues.

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