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Eviction from Public Housing

Eviction from a home, Housing Assistance & Subsidized Housing, Renting or leasing a home

Last updated on 08/12/2024 at 7:37 pm

If you live in public housing or housing where you get some help paying your rent, the process for eviction looks a little different. Read this article to learn more or watch this video.

What is public housing?

How do I know what program I receive housing assistance from?

What does the eviction process look like if you like in public housing?

What are reasons that I can be evicted from public housing?

What is “Good Cause”?

What is a “repeated material violation”?

Can I be evicted for a prior criminal history?

Can I be evicted for the use of medical marijuana?

Do I lose my housing assistance if I am evicted from public housing?

What are my rights as a tenant in the eviction process?