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LGBTQIA+ Discrimination Protections in West Virginia

Discrimination around housing, Wrongful discharge

Last updated on 08/23/2021 at 4:29 pm

Are LGBTQIA+ people protected against discrimination in West Virginia?

Complete Protection in Thirteen West Virginia Towns

What protections do these towns offer?

Where are these thirteen towns?

Are there protections if the discriminatory act didn’t take place in one of those towns?


Am I protected against LGBTQIA+ discrimination in Employment? Can I be fired, demoted, or not hired because of my LGBTQIA+ identity?

What if the company is a small outfit with less than 15 employees?


Am I protected against LGBTQIA+ discrimination in Housing? Can I be evicted, or denied an apartment, due to LGBTQIA+ identity?

Public Accommodations

What is a “public accommodation”?

Am I protected against LGBTQIA+ discrimination in places of public accommodation?