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Eviction from Section 8 Housing

Eviction from a home, Housing Assistance & Subsidized Housing

Last updated on 08/23/2021 at 4:15 pm

I Have A Section 8 Voucher That Pays Part Of The Rent To The Landlord. If I Get Evicted From Section 8 Housing, How Will That Affect My Section 8 Voucher?

Does An Eviction Automatically Mean That I Will Lose My Section 8 Voucher?

Who Decides Whether I Keep My Section 8 Voucher?

If I Violate The Lease, Does That Cause Me To Lose My Section 8 Voucher?

If I Lose My Section 8 Voucher, Can’t I Get Back On The List To Get Another One?

What If I’m Evicted For Criminal Activity Or Drug Activity At The Rental Premises. How Does That Affect My Section 8 Voucher?

What If I Owe Some Money From My Section 8 Rental. Can I Get Section 8 Help In The Future?

So How Do I Avoid Problems Before I Move Out Of Section 8 Housing?