To fill out the form you will need information about your income, your bills, and things you own. It is a good idea to look at the form before you fill it out and then gather any information you need that you do not have. Be honest when you fill out the form. The form is a sworn statement and lying on it is perjury.
You will need to provide a copy of your most recent pay stub or other statement of your income, including social security, food stamps, and child support. If someone is supporting you or giving you money you may need to get a written statement from that person explaining how much financial support they are giving you. You should black out your social security number and birth date if they are on your pay stub or income statement. You must have this pay stub or other income statement or the clerk will tell you the form is incomplete.
Do not sign the form when you fill it out. It must be signed in front of a notary or court clerk.