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The Family Refuge Center

Housing Assistance & Subsidized Housing
Written by Legal Aid WV


We wanted to make everyone aware of some news from our local domestic violence and sexual assault partner program, The Family Refuge Center (FRC). FRC was recently awarded a Home4Good grant amounting to $179,675. Home4Good is a program created by the Federal Loan Bank Pittsburgh and the West Virginia Housing Development Fund. It provides flexible funding for organizations that strive to ensure an individual’s experience with homelessness is brief and non-recurring.

The Family Refuge Center will use the funds to provide services and therapy for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, stalking, and elder abuse. The funds will also provide a portion of the salaries for a full-time shelter manager, a number of shelter advocates, a full-time therapist, and support a full-time VOCA Trauma Counselor. In addition, the funds will allow the Family Refuge Center to offer emergency legal and housing services, which will assist victims in finding and maintaining permanent housing. FRC provides services in Greenbrier, Mercer, Monroe and Pocahontas Counties.

For more information, contact the Family Refuge Center’s executive director, Reta Griffith, at (304) 645-6334.

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