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Special Education

Special Education

Last updated on 05/24/2021 at 7:46 pm

I have a child who may qualify for special educations services, where do I begin?

What happens after the school district receives my written request?

We have an evaluation conducted by the school. Now what?

What factors will the Eligibility Committee consider for eligibility?

If the Eligibility Committee determines that my child qualifies for special education, what are the next steps?

What does educating a student in the “least restrictive environment” mean?

What if I disagree with the initial evaluations considered by the Eligibility Committee when they determined that my child was ineligible special education services?

What if the Eligibility Committee determines that my child still does not qualify for special education services after the IEE is completed?

Can the school suspend my child if he/she has an IEP?

What happens once my child has been removed from class from more than 10 days in the same school year?

What happens if the team determines that my child’s behavior is a manifestation of his/her disability?

What happens if the team determines that my child’s behavior is NOT a manifestation of his/her disability?

What if my child is caught with a gun or drugs at school?

What are my options if I disagree with the discipline procedures taken by the school or I disagree with my child’s special education plan?

What is a State Complaint?

What is mediation?

What is a Due Process Hearing?

What is Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act?

What is a 504 Plan?

My child has a disability. Is he/she covered and protected by Section 504?

What is the difference between an IEP and a 504 Plan?

What is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)?

What is a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)?

Is there also a state policy in West Virginia that outlines special education services?