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Legal Information

Kinship Care Relationships and Possible Benefits

Adoption, Child Custody & Parenting Plans, Food & cash benefits, Foster Care, Guardianship & Conservatorship, Health Coverage benefits

Last updated on 10/10/2023 at 2:26 pm

Introduction to kinship caregivers of children

I am caring for a family member’s child but do not have a written agreement. Can I receive any benefits to help care for the child?

I am a non-relative caring for a child in WV DHHR custody. Can I receive any benefits to help care for the child?

I am the foster care placement for a family member’s child. What benefits can I receive?

What is a guardianship? Why would I need a guardianship for a child?

Can I receive any benefits for the child if I have a legal guardianship?

What does it mean to adopt a child?

Can I receive any benefits during or after the adoption is complete?

I need time off from work to help care for the child. Do I have any options?

Who should call Legal Aid?