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Installment Land Sale Contracts

Contracts, Owning or buying a home

Last updated on 08/23/2021 at 4:27 pm

What is an installment land sales contract?

What are the advantages of an installment land sales contract?

What are the disadvantages of an installment land sales contract?

What steps should buyers take to protect themselves before signing an installment land sales contract?

What are the basic legal requirements for an enforceable installment land sales contract?

What steps will protect both sides?

What should the Contract say about the Purchase Price?

What should the Contract say about the Description of property?

What should the Contract say about the transferring title to the Buyer?

What other terms should be included in an installment land sales contract?

Are there special issues in Installment Land Sales Contracts where the Buyer assumes the Seller’s mortgage loan?

What happens if the Buyer violates the Installment Land Sales Contract?

What happens if the Seller violates the Installment Land Sales Contract?