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Food Stamps (also called “SNAP” benefits)

Food & cash benefits

Last updated on 12/19/2023 at 7:37 pm

Can I get food stamps?

How do I apply for food stamps?

What can I buy with food stamps?

When will my SNAP benefits be available on my Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card?

Does a balance on my food stamps EBT card carry over to the next month?

What is the status of my food stamp application?

Can I check the balance of my EBT SNAP account online?

What are my rights in dealing with DHHR if I think they are not being fair?

I was turned down for food stamps. Can I do anything about that?

I got a notice that my food stamps will be reduced or cut off next month. Is there anything I can do?

My food stamps have been reduced or stopped already. Is there anything I can do?

Can non-citizens get food stamps?

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