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Legal Information

Divorce Toolkit

Divorce, Separation, & Annulment

Last updated on 05/28/2021 at 5:35 pm

The divorce information provided in this Toolkit is broad and general.  Each answer is very short and simple.  This means we have left out many details and many possible complications.  This information is intended to help you understand the kinds of issues that may come up in a divorce case.  It is NOT intended to address every possible situation.  As always, it is best to talk with a lawyer about particular problems.

There are a lot of questions and answers in this Toolkit.  They are organized into 7 groups of questions.  Click on each heading below to jump to those questions:

  1. Divorce: When and whether you can file your divorce case in West Virginia
  2. Divorce: How to file your divorce case
  3. Divorce: Which grounds for divorce you can or should use
  4. Divorce: What “relief” you can ask the court to give you
  5. Divorce: Serving the divorce papers on the other side
  6. Divorce: Responding to a divorce your spouse filed
  7. Divorce: Court hearings and court procedure