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Custody Modification: Asking to Change the Court Ordered Parenting Plan

Child Custody & Parenting Plans

Last updated on 02/22/2024 at 4:35 pm

What is a “custody modification”?

What is “parenting time”?

When can I ask for a custody modification?

What is a “substantial change in circumstance”?

What if there is no substantial change in circumstance?

How do I submit a request to modify custody?

What if my child’s other parent is moving? What if I want to move?

What if my child’s other parent is in the military?

What if my child’s other parent is in jail?

What if my child’s other parent gets remarried? What if I want to get remarried?

What if my child’s other parent has lost his/her job? What if I lose my job?

What if the other parent is putting the child in daycare, or hires a babysitter I do not like?

How long does a modified custody arrangement last?

When will an emergency motion for custody be successful?

What if my child is now 14 years or older?
