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Alternative Dispute Resolution (mediation and family group decision making)

Going to Court & dealing with procedure, Representing Yourself

Posted on 02/07/2022at1:22 pm

Usually when you go to court a judge (or sometimes a jury) makes a decision about your situation.  Alternative dispute resolution is a way for you to work out issues with the other party instead of having a judge make the decision. This article explains more about this process and how it works.

What is Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)?

How can alternative dispute resolution help?

Who does alternative dispute resolution help?

Is the court involved in the alternative dispute resolution process?

What are the benefits of alternative dispute resolution?

What is mediation?

Do parties have to follow the mediated agreement?

Is the mediator my lawyer?

Can the mediator be my lawyer after the mediation is over?

Is the mediation kept confidential?

What are the exceptions to confidentiality?

Is the other party required to join the mediation?

What should I do to prepare a mediation?

Will mediation work for my issue?

What is family group decision making?

Does Legal Aid provide these services?