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Aged and Disabled Waiver (ADW) for West Virginians

Health Coverage benefits, Paying for medical care

Last updated on 12/19/2023 at 7:16 pm

What is Aged and Disabled (ADW) waiver?

What are the benefits of an ADW?

How do I apply for ADW?

Where do I get the Medical Necessity Evaluation Request (MNER) form?

What do I need to do after my physician completes the form?

If I need help filling out the forms, is there someone who may assist me?

If I complete the forms myself, where do I send it?

Who decides if I qualify for ADW?

How are services offered and what type of help is available?

Is there a waiting list for ADW?

What are the main acronyms (initials) used with the AD Waiver program?

What if I am denied ADW?