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Wrongful Discharge: What Do I Need To Know?

Wrongful discharge

Last updated on 02/21/2025 at 9:11 pm

You’ve been fired from your job. You don’t think it’s fair. Do you have any legal rights? As the saying goes, there’s good news and there’s bad news. Let’s start with the bad news. In the United States, most jobs in the private sector are considered “At-Will Employment.” This means employers can hire and fire “at will,” unless some exception applies.

The good news is that there are many exceptions to At-Will Employment. This set of Frequently Asked Questions will help you understand At-Will Employment, and the most common exceptions to At-Will Employment.

What Is “At-Will” Employment?

What are the Most Common Exceptions to At-Will Employment?

Exception 1: What Does a “Personal Contract” Mean?

What About the Company’s Personnel Handbook? Can’t That Be A “Contract”?

Exception 2: Does Being a Union Member Offer Protection?

Exception 3: What If I’m a Public Sector (Government) Employee?

Exception 4: What Does “Illegal Discrimination” Mean? I Thought All Discrimination Was Against The Law?

My Company Didn’t Discriminate Against Me, But My Supervisor Did. Can I Still Sue?

Exception 5: What Does “Disability” Mean And What Protections Does A Person With Disability Have?

If I Have A Disability What Protections Does the Law Give Me?

Exception 6: If I’m Pregnant, Can I Be Fired?

What Should I Do If Illegal Discrimination Has Affected My Job?

Exception 7: Can I Be Fired for Making a Safety Complaint?

Exception 8: What Firings “Violate Strong Public Policy?

Can I Get Unemployment Compensation if I’ve Been Fired?