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Legal Information

Protecting Personal Property OTHER THAN WAGES From Collection (Attachment)

Credit practices & Credit reports, Debt & Lending Money issues, Protecting Property

Last updated on 08/23/2021 at 4:36 pm

This is general information about how you may be able to protect some of your property from collection. For information about your particular case, you should talk to a lawyer.

This article focuses entirely on protecting personal property such as cars, boats, computers, or money in the bank. It does not focus on protecting wages from garnishment. If you have received a Wage Garnishment order (called “Suggestee Execution”) click here for a different Legal Aid article about protecting wages.

Who Can Protect Personal Property From Being Attached To Pay A Debt?

What Is a “Personal Property Exemption”?

How Does The Personal Property Exemption Work?

What Property Can Be Protected?

That All Adds Up To $17,000. Is That The Amount I Can Protect?

Can I Protect Land Or My House Using the Personal Property Exemption?

Can I Protect “Business” Property?

Can I Exempt Something Against A Collection Claim From the Creditor that Sold It to Me or Financed It For Me?

What If My Car Is Worth More Than $5,000?

Can I Apply “Unused” Protection in One Category to “Excess” property in Another Category?

What If I Own More Personal Property Than These Limits Protect?

If I Own More Than The Limit in Any Particular Category, How Should I Choose What To Protect?

How Do I Decide The “Value” Of My Property?

How Do I Value An Item If I Still Owe Money On It?

Do I Have To List Everything I Own, Or Just What I Want To Exempt?

What About Wages?

When Do I Claim My Exemption?

Where Do I Get the Exemption Forms?

Where Do I File My Exemption Form?

What Do I Do AFTER I File My Exemption Form?

How Often Do I Have To Do This?