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Legal Information

Eviction Process Before a Court Case is Filed

Eviction from a home, Renting or leasing a home

Posted on 08/12/2024at7:32 pm

Have you been told you’ll be evicted, but your landlord has not yet filed a court case? Read this article to learn more about what may happen and better understand the steps you should take.

What should I do if my landlord tells me I will be evicted?

Does my landlord have to give me notice before going to court?

My lease ended and my landlord told me to leave. Do I have to?

Can my landlord force me out without going to court? Can he shut off my utilities or change my locks?

Can my landlord call the police and make me leave?

Does my landlord need to go to Court even if I haven’t paid rent or broken the lease?

Does this only apply to landlords and tenants that have agreed to pay rent?

Should I leave voluntarily?

Will I get evicted if my landlord takes me to Court?