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Legal Information

Adult Guardianship / Conservatorship: What Do I Need to Know?

Guardianship & Conservatorship

Last updated on 01/24/2025 at 6:03 pm

What is a Guardian?

What is a Conservator?

What is the difference between a Guardian and a Conservator?

Can the same person be both a Guardian and a Conservator?

Who decides that I need to have a Guardian / Conservator?

How does the judge decide that I need to have a Guardian / Conservator appointed?

What if the court simply disagrees with the way I take care of myself and my property? Is this enough to support the appointment of a guardian / conservator?

How does the process get started?

Who can file a petition to have a guardian / conservator appointed for me?

Which court should the petition be filed in?

What information does the petition contain?

Will the petition or psychological evaluation be public?

How will I know if someone else petitions the court to have a guardian / conservator appointed for me?

Can I go to the hearing?

Who will represent my interests before the court?

What are the duties of my appointed lawyer or GAL?

How can my appointed lawyer or GAL carry out these duties?

Do I have any say over who will be my guardian / conservator?

You’ve been talking about nominees or nominations, doesn’t the court have to follow my instructions if I’ve already expressed who I want to serve as my guardian / conservator?

Who is eligible to serve as a guardian / conservator?

My son had some trouble with the law when he was a teenager, does this mean he cannot serve as my guardian?

Are there times when the state will become my guardian / conservator?

Are there any particular educational requirements to be a guardian / conservator?

What can I do if I think my guardian / conservator is not acting in my best interests?

What can I do if I do not think I need a guardian or conservator anymore because I can manage my own affairs?

Where can I find the laws about guardianship and conservatorship in West Virginia?