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Our Programs

Legal Services

Legal Services, our core program, provides free legal advice and representation to vulnerable West Virginians. Over 50 attorneys in 12 offices across the state handle thousands of legal cases every year, helping protect citizens’ access to basic needs such as safety, food, shelter, healthcare, education and more.

three people, diverse in ability and background, sit in an office waiting room talking.
Black father hugging young son

Behavioral Health Advocacy

Our advocates assist West Virginians living with mental and behavioral health disorders, by promoting community supports and preserving access to services, in turn helping them meet their challenges with dignity and hope.

Long-Term Care Ombudsman

Our Ombudsmen work in West Virginia’s long-term and elder care facilities to ensure residents’ rights are protected and upheld. They hear grievances from residents and work with facilities, caregivers, and relatives to resolve issues.

older woman being hugged by young woman

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