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Other Resources – Ombudsman

Other places on the internet where you can find help and information:

West Virginia Aging and Disability Resource Network

The ADRN is a service of the West Virginia Bureau of Senior Services. This website provides information in a database format of all long-term care services and supports available to seniors throughout West Virginia. The information is provided to assist individuals to make informed choices and decisions about long-term care. 

Services offered at the ADRN are available to anyone, at no charge, regardless of age or income. For more information, please call toll-free 1-866-987-2372

West Virginia Bureau of Senior Services

This is a listing of State programs and services for seniors throughout West Virginia. Nursing Home Compare

Nursing Home Compare has detailed information about every Medicare and Medicaid certified nursing home in the country. This website allows you to do a side by side comparison of nursing homes in a particular area.   

Resources for Long-Term Care Consumers- The National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center

The Consumer Voice is the leading national voice representing consumers in issues related to long-term care, helping to ensure that consumers are empowered to advocate for themselves. This website is a primary source of information and tools for consumers, families, caregivers, advocates and ombudsmen to help ensure quality care for individuals using long-term care.

Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (MFCU)

The mission of the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (MFCU) is to protect West Virginia’s vulnerable citizens and the integrity of its health care program. In fulfillment of that mission, the MFCU investigates allegations of fraud in the Medicaid program and allegations of criminal abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation of residents in health care facilities or board and care homes.

Office of Health Facility Licensure & Certification (OHFLAC)

The Office of Health Facility Licensure and Certification has the mission to shape healthy environments for clients, patients and residents within health care facilities by promoting the quality services and high standards of care that exist when facilities are in compliance with state licensure rules and federal certification regulations.

OHFLAC is the state agency that licenses and certifies long-term care facilities in the state of West Virginia, including nursing homes, assisted living facilities, residential care communities and legally unlicensed homes. OHFLAC also investigates complaints regarding care issues at these facilities. 

This website also provides a Health Care Facility Search function, in which, a search can be done statewide for the different types of facilities that are under their jurisdiction. Information provided includes, contact information, Health Investigation information including annual and complaint surveys and Life Safety Inspection surveys (if they apply).  The search function can be accessed here.

WV Department of Human Services (DOHS)  

A complete list of the DOHS field offices and the services that each provides, including how to apply for assistance for Long-Term Care Medicaid for nursing home care.

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