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Unemployment Due to a Medical Condition

Unemployment Compensation
Written by Legal Aid WV


Can I get unemployment benefits if I quit my job because of a medical condition?

Yes, BUT … there are two very strict requirements you must meet. If you don’t meet BOTH requirements, it doesn’t matter how serious your health issues may have been. Here are the two requirements:

First, you must tell the employer about the medical circumstances within two business days of leaving the job, if possible. (If you’re unconscious in the hospital after an accident, obviously you can’t meet that deadline. But you should inform the employer as soon as it is possible to do so.)


Second, within 30 days after quitting you must give the employer a “written certification from a licensed physician” that your work “aggravated, worsened, or will worsen” your health.

If you do both of these two things, you’ll get your benefits. If you miss the deadline on either one of these requirements, you will not get unemployment benefits.

Learn more about this question, and many other parts of unemployment compensation, at Legal Aid’s web site.

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