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New HUD Initiative Focuses on Children Aging out of Foster Care

Written by Legal Aid WV


Foster Youth to Independence Initiative (FYI) is a new U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) program to offer housing vouchers for youth aging out of the foster care system who are at risk of experiencing homelessness.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services estimates that more than 20,000 young people age out foster care each year. The National Center for Housing and Child Welfare estimates that approximately 25% of those young people will experience homeless within four years of leaving foster care.

FYI will now offer housing vouchers to public housing authorities to assist unaccompanied youth who are 18 years of age, but under the age of 25, who have been involved with the child welfare system after their 16th birthday who are, or have recently left within the last 90 days, the foster care system and are at risk of being homeless. Public Housing Agencies that partner with Public Child Welfare Agencies may request these vouchers to assist eligible youth in areas that does not participate in the HUD’s Family Unification Program (FUP). To see if your area participates in HUD’s FUP please see FYI_Program_Effective_Awards_5.31.23.xlsx (

These housing vouchers may be utilized for up to 36 months. This program will help in offering not only housing but services to help successfully transition to adulthood and independent living through supportive services like basic life skills support, education and employment. This program is also available for pregnant and/or parenting youth who meet eligibility requirements.

Ohio Congressman Mike Turner said it best when he said, “Aging out of foster care should not mean aging into homelessness.”

To view a HUD webinar and other videos explaining FYI in more detail please see-

For answers to frequently asked questions on FYI please see-

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