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Legal Aid of West Virginia receives Pro Bono Innovation Grant

Written by Legal Aid WV


The Legal Services Corporation recently announced that Legal Aid of West Virginia (LAWV) is among 12 legal aid organizations across the U.S. that will receive a Pro Bono Innovation Fund grant.  LSC’s Pro Bono Innovation Fund is intended to encourage and expand pro bono efforts and partnerships to serve more low-income individuals with civil legal issues. 

In West Virginia, the grant will support LAWV’s efforts to transform its statewide pro bono program to bring in more volunteers to meet the high priority legal needs of low-income West Virginians. After completing a statewide evaluation of pro bono services,  a new pro bono supervising attorney will help lead LAWV’s efforts to develop replicable statewide pro bono projects and better integrate technology to deliver free services throughout the state.

West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin said, “Ensuring every West Virginian has access to legal aid is vital. I am pleased the Legal Services Corporation is investing in the Legal Aid of West Virginia pro bono program to provide low-income West Virginians with legal services, and I will continue to advocate for resources that support every West Virginian in their time of need.” 

Read about all the grant awards here. 

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