Ed Hopple, Ombudsman Director

With 30 plus years of working in the human services field, advocacy has been at the forefront of Ed Hopple’s work. For the past 12.5 years, Ed has worked as a Regional Long-Term Care Ombudsman, covering five counties in North Central WV, and in 2023, he became our Long-Term Care Ombudsman program’s director.
As a regional ombudsman, Ed advocated for residents and their rights in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and legally unlicensed homes. Ed has been a guest presenter at the WV Activities Professionals conferences, WV Dietary Professionals conference, co-presented at the WV Elder Abuse Day and is often asked to provide various trainings at the facilities in his region. Ed is an active member of the WV Behavioral Health Planning Council’s Adult Services Committee, a community coalition member of Quality Insights and a former advisor council member for the North Central ADRC.
Ed is a graduate of WVU with a BA Board of Regents Degree with a focus on gerontology and special education. Ed lives in rural Marion County with his wife Shelley, their dog Zeus, and their cat Nefret.