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Hospital Staff Acronyms

ACEO – Assistant Chief Executive Officer – The person who helps the Chief Executive Officer and is second in line for making decisions regarding the facility and how it operates.

APRN – Advanced Practice Registered Nurse – A type of RN who has earned a graduate-level degree and has been specially trained in a focused nursing practice area such as Psychiatric-Mental Health.

CEO – Chief Executive Officer – The highest ranked person who manages the operations and resources of the hospital. 

CFO – Chief Financial Officer – The person who makes financial decisions for the facility.

CMO – Chief Medical Officer – The person who manages clinical operations and ensures that patients receive the highest standard of medical care.

CNA – Certified Nurse Aide – A specially trained person who works under the supervision of a registered nurse to provide hands-on healthcare to patients with activities such as taking vital signs and helping with bathing, dressing, and the basic activities of life.

CSW – Clinical Social Worker – A member of a treatment team who has master’s degree and is trained to make diagnoses. The CSW also provides therapy to patients and leads groups about competency, substance abuse, and mental health needs.  

DNP – Doctorate of Nurse Practitioner – Provides direct patient care and has received graduate-level training to diagnose medical issues, develop patient care plans, perform certain advanced procedures, and prescribe medications. Those who earn a DNP have completed the highest level of training in nursing practice.

DON – Director of Nursing – Supervises the nursing staff, oversees patient care, and performs administrative functions such as record keeping and budgeting.

DSW – Director of Social Work – Supervises social workers and audits patient treatment plans to ensure patients are receiving appropriate services.

HSA – Health Service Assistant – Oversees or participates in planned recreational and social programs.

HSW – Health Service Worker – Works closely with patients to ensure their comfort and safety, and escorts clients to meals, therapy, medical appointments, and scheduled activities within and outside the facility.

IDT – Interdisciplinary Team – This is the patient’s treatment team, a group of healthcare providers from different fields who work together to provide the best care or best outcome for a patient. The team includes the doctor, physician assistant or nurse practitioner, clinical social worker, non-clinical social worker, mental health therapist, and a nurse.

LCSW – Licensed Certified Social Worker – A social worker who has been licensed by his or her state of residence to provide patients with clinical social work services such as diagnosing and treating mental disorders. This person must have a Master of Social Work degree (MSW). 

LMLP – Licensed Master’s Level Psychologist – A psychologist with a master’s degree and a license who is trained to diagnose and treat mental illnesses through individual and group therapy.

LP – Licensed Psychologist- Their work may include administering and interpreting cognitive and personality tests, diagnosing mental illness, creating treatment plans, and conducting psychotherapy. A counseling psychologist has a stronger focus on maintaining mental health, while a clinical psychologist has a stronger focus on those with a psychosis or other serious mental illness.

LPC – Licensed Professional Counselor – Licensed mental health service providers who are trained to work with individuals, families, and groups in treating mental, behavioral, and emotional problems and disorders.

LPN – Licensed Practical Nurse – A person with a 2-year nursing degree who is responsible for providing routine care, updating patient information, monitoring vital signs, assisting doctors and RNs, and communicating instructions to patients regarding medication.

LSW – Licensed Social Worker – A person with a 4-year degree who provides non-clinical services, case management, and connects patients to community resources and services that they may benefit from. 

MD – Doctor of Medicine – Also called a physician, the MD is responsible for diagnosing and treating disease, illness, injuries, pain or other conditions. They also prescribe medications and referrals to other providers, provide follow-up care, and interpret laboratory results. Doctors typically requires at least seven years or more of school and training after completing a 4-year degree. 

MFT – Marriage and Family Therapist – Provides therapy that addresses the behaviors of all family members and the way these behaviors affect not only the individual, but also relationships between the members of the family.

MHT – Mental Health Therapist – A member of the treatment team with a master’s degree who helps patients overcome mental and emotional challenges by providing clinical assessments, individual and group therapy, and education according to patient needs. 

NCC- Nurse Clinical Coordinator – Communicates patient status to incoming nursing shift and to physicians, educates the nursing staff on patient care, and supervises the delivery of care in the facility. The NCC is responsible for managing call-offs and scheduling conflicts, following up with staff members involved in any incident of seclusion/restraint. The NCC is in charge after business hours and provides oversight to the facility while nursing leadership is not available. 

NP – Nurse Practitioner – NPs are trained at the graduate level to evaluate patients, diagnose illness, and prescribe medication to patients.

OT – Occupational Therapist – Helps patients develop, recover, improve, and maintain the skills needed for daily living through the therapeutic use of everyday activities. 

OTR – Occupational Therapist Registered – An OT (see above) who has successfully completed The National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy exam.  

PA – Physician Assistant – A medical professional who is licensed to diagnose patients and provide treatments under the supervision of a physician.

PC – Personal Care – A direct care worker who assists patients with personal care tasks, such as washing, dressing, eating and toileting.

PCM/PCP – Primary Care Manager/ Primary Care Physician (or Provider or Practitioner) – The Physician or primary care provider (Physician Assistant or Nurse Practitioner) who is responsible for overseeing ongoing medical treatment, preventative care, and referrals to specialists.

PT – Physical Therapist – Licensed Healthcare Professional who can diagnose and treat conditions that limit a patient’s ability to move and perform daily activities. PTs prescribe exercise and other therapies to help relieve pain and improve mobility in patients recovering from illnesses and injuries.

PTA – Physical Therapy Assistant – Provides physical therapy services under the direction and supervision of a licensed physical therapist (see PT).

QMHP – Qualified Mental Health Professional – A person who is registered as being trained and experienced in providing psychiatric or mental health services to adults who have a mental illness.

RN – Registered Nurse – Monitors patients, administers medications, keeps records, consults with healthcare providers, educates patients, and oversees the duties of Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) and Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs).

ST – Speech Therapist – A person with a Master’s level degree in speech pathology who provides assessment and treatment of communication problems and speech disorders. Speech therapy may be needed for speech disorders that develop in childhood or for speech impairments caused by an injury or illness, such as stroke or brain injury.

SW – Social Worker – Provides case management and connects patients to community resources and services that they may benefit from.

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